Certified Healing Courses

All Courses are certified and nationally and internationally acknowledged Courses are offered on-demand, in-person or on a distant learning basis

Reiki Courses

Shoden: First Degree Reiki (Course Price @ R2400)

This is your introduction to Reiki and first attunement to the Reiki energy. You will learn about:

  • What Reiki Is and How It Works
  • The Origins of Reiki
  • The Reiki Principles
  • Reiki and the Energy Body
  • Benefits of Reiki
  • Supporting Techniques for Reiki Healing
  • Reiki Healing for Self, Family, Friends & Animals

The Reiki 1 course is also available on a distant learning and/or tutored basis.

Okuden: Second Degree Reiki (Course Price @ R2700)

Become a Reiki Practitioner by learning about the three Reiki Symbols (Focus, Harmony, and Connection) and how to use Reiki for Mental/Emotional Healing as well as Distant Healing.

Shinpiden: Third Degree Reiki (Course Price @ R3300)

Become a Reiki Master/Teacher by learning about the Reiki Master Symbol, its meaning and application. You will also learn how to initiate others into Reiki using the attunement process.

Animal Reiki (Course Price @ R1500)

This is a practical-based short course on how to use Reiki for pets and animals. You would need to have completed Reiki 1 and have a passion for working with animals. Practical training will be done with my own horses – an experience in its own.

Crystal Reiki Masters (Course Price @ R2400)

Up until now you have informally combined the use of Reiki and Crystals, integrating your own personal experiences with crystals and including them in your treatments. With Crystal Reiki Master certification, you will have a structured way to perform, teach and attune others to  Crystal Reiki, embracing the wonderful power of both these techniques. As a prerequisite, you must have completed Reiki Level 3 and Basic Crystal Healing.

Karuna Ki Reiki (Course Price @ R2400)

Karuna Ki is the hands on healing art of loving compassion and a way to connect to this compassion and share it with all creation. There are several aspects of Karuna Ki Reiki which brings about a deepening of your Reiki experience and which include Healing, Meditation (Karuna Ki Do), and Chanting (or Toning). Karuna Ki healing uses this connection to the Way of Compassion to bring compassionate life energy into a person to heal and balance. This is an additional Master certification and you would have needed to complete Reiki Level 3 to continue with Karuna Ki Reiki.

Crystal Healing Course

Crystals can be used very effectively as healing tools.  In this course you will learn the basics of crystal healing and the use of these wonderful gifts in healing as well as in your everyday life.   Topics covered include:

  • How to choose your crystals for both personal use and for performing healing sessions
  • How to clear, charge and programme your crystals
  • Basic crystal healing techniques and how to use these techniques
  • Crystal layouts and how to use them

The Crystal Healing course is also available on a distant learning and/or tutored basis.

Course Price @ R2700 (including Crystal Healing Starter Kit)

Other Short Courses

Pendulum Basics (Course Price @ R1750, including a pendulum)

Discover how to use your pendulum.  The techniques of this workshop focus on the basic use of your pendulum for making decisions, both in your personal life and an effective and complementary energy healing tool.  Learn pendulum basics as part of a larger group in a workshop or in a one-on-one coaching session.

Crystal Grids and Gridding (Course Price @ R1500)

Crystal gridding is a fundamental (and fun) tool for effectively making use of your crystals. The principle of crystal gridding is that crystals are chosen based on their metaphysical purpose and then laid out in a geometric pattern. This crystal grid is then programmed or charged with energy to bring about healing or other desired outcomes. There are many patterns in which crystals can be arranged and the key is to select a pattern that resonates with you spiritually. A working knowledge of crystals is essential and it is advised that the ViTerra Crystal Healing Course (or similar) be completed before doing this Crystal Gridding course.

Etheric Cord Cutting (Course Price @ R1500)

The emotional-energetic connection that you have with another person is called an etheric cord. It may also be known or referred to as cords of attachment, psychic cords or energy cords. In this short course we will focus on understanding etheric cords, the impact that they may have on our health and well-being and how to release these cords. There are various methods and it will be up to you to find what resonates with you.

Prior knowledge and experience in energy healing and a minimum of Reiki Level 2 or Crystal Healing are required.

Colour Magick (Course Price @ R1500)

Colour is part of our everyday lives.  We incorporate colours into what we wear, what we eat and what we surround ourselves with as a conscious or even subconscious way to express or even heal ourselves at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.  The aim of this workshop is to tap into the magick of colour and to look at ways of making use of colour on a more conscious level.

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